

Our current waitlist is full and we are not enrolling new students at this time.

As soon as we have open availability we will reopen for enrollment.


We are open 6:30 am- 5:30 pm.

We do enforce a 9 am drop-off time. We understand that life happens and other businesses have specific hours of operation. So are willing to work with families if children have a doctor, dentist, or some other medical appointment in the morning, but we require all children to be here by or before 9 am in order to have the proper amount of staff, meal counts for the day, and for children to really be able to get fully engage with the curriculum and their peers and truly get the full benefits of all that KCCP has to offer and teach.

There is a also 10-hour time limit per day.


PreK (4-5years) $1250/month

Preschool (2 1/2-4years) $1250/month

Twos (24-36mo) $1350/month

Ones (12-24mo) $1350/month